2772 Mt. Pleasant Rd, Mt. Pleasant, FL


Don't let your hearts be troubled


“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.”

—John 14:27

In the wake of so many unforeseen dangers, we should look to God. How would he want us to respond in times like this? Though we are called to be wise, truthful, patient, kind, and loving, God does not permit us to let fear dictate our actions. Those who live by faith know that there is no circumstances too great for God; today he still has the whole world in his hands, and that is good news!

Heavenly Father,

There are dangers all around and I am tempted to panic and let fear control my thinking. Help me to remember your promises custom made for times like these, so that my faith will be awakened and overshadow my fears. In your own way, remind me of your power, so that I can be confident in all circumstances. In Jesus Name, Amen!

What are you most afraid of?

Author: Rev. Andrew C. L. Archer, Pastor


Andrew Archer