St. Mary CME Church

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A Letter of Love

“So I made up my mind not to make you another painful visit. For if I cause you pain, who is there to make me glad but the one whom I have pained?”

— 2 Corinthians‬ ‭2:1-2‬

While the trendy term “social distancing” is making its way around our communities, the idea of creating physical space for health reasons is nothing new. Here we find Paul choosing not to go to Corinth, although it was actually on his way to his final destination. He chooses not to go because he is concerned for their emotional and physical wellbeing.

The essence of this text and a large portion of the New Testament demonstrates the determination of a mass number of people who are unable to meet fully for an extended amount of time for whatever reason (whether due to political restraints, sheer distance, or even jail). They manage to meet the spiritual and social needs of each person in the community of faith. We can’t forget: The New Testament predominantly consists of letters because they couldn’t always meet physically.

Many may need to pick up a pen and paper in this season, write to our elders and others who are most vulnerable who may not be able to leave the house. Others may need to already be planning to prepare some food for those in our community because someone will inevitably catch this virus and will need our support. It’s not a matter of if, but when.

Many who experience financial abundance will need to support who are not able to work right now due to job cutbacks or watching their school aged children. The church is what it is today because Paul and others knew how to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the people regardless of physical or social restraints. For every body that is in need of physical healing, there is a soul that’s in need of spiritual rejuvenation. We are called to be the church and do our best to honor each other’s needs, in and out of season.

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your faithfulness, I praise you that even in the midst of trouble so many of us are preserved!

I ask that your spirit of protection would continuously be poured out on us as we follow the precautions given to us from medical professionals. I also ask that you heal those who have tested positive for any illness, comfort for their families, and that you bless the hearts of those who care for them. Help us not be overcome with fear so that we can continue to think clearly and creatively as we make adjustments to the way we enjoy your graces and be lights in your world. Thank you for your word, which is a love letter from you through your servants. Help us as we take those fruits of encouragement in your word and use them to plant seeds of righteousness in the hearts of those you have placed in our sphere of influence today. Though we are not afraid, because we know that you are with us, we seek wisdom from you as we embody the courage that comes through your Holy Spirit. In Jesus Name, Amen!

How can you continue your ministries in-spite of social changes?

Author: Rev Rose Archer