2772 Mt. Pleasant Rd, Mt. Pleasant, FL


Behind A Locked Door


“When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord.”

—John‬ ‭20:19-20‬

Strangely enough, we find the disciples in quarantine at this part of scripture. They were concerned that they would be put to death as Jesus was if the Jews recognized them as his disciples. Yet although all the doors were locked and windows probably shut, Jesus appeared among them in anyway in a powerful way.

Today we do not fear the Jews, but we are consistently using caution as we abide by social distance regulations because we fear the spread of the coronavirus. Yet each day that we are locked in our homes with our own concerns and fears, Jesus appears to us through the Holy Spirit saying, “Peace be with you.”

What a blessed assurance this must have been for the first followers of Christ, all that he said had been fulfilled and his presence with them was the proof. How do you welcome God’s presence into your home during quarantine?

Do you play and instrument or a recording of a song? Do you read scripture slowly and intentionally? Do you pray fervently asking God to “Come by here, my Lord”? Do you share a meal with family and enjoy sacred fellowship?

What ever you do, know that just as locked doors did not prevent Jesus from entering the room where his disciples were meeting, God can enter the our own locked doors, and even our locked hearts; nothing can separate us from His love!

And when God shows up, He usually shows out, proving to us that He is who he says He is. Jesus shows them his wounds, which retells the story of his painful death. Yet because he stands before them living and breathing, his presence also assured them of his glorious resurrection. This was no ghost, this was Jesus in the flesh, and so they rejoice in his presence.

Oh LORD our God,

We know that you are ever-present with us, but because we are only human sometimes we need you to appear to us in new ways. And so we invite you into our homes asking you to make it into a sacred space. Speak peace to our hearts, our fears and and our concerns. Speak love to our grievances. And speak patience to our lack of understanding. Show us the love you have for us that you proved by the suffering you endured for our sins. We know that even when our hearts are locked, somehow, some way you always find a way through. Thank you for making yourself know today. In Jesus Name, Amen.

How do you keep your heart open to God even while your doors are locked?

Andrew Archer