2772 Mt. Pleasant Rd, Mt. Pleasant, FL


The Love of God


“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

—Romans 8:38-39

With all the adjustments and changes I have to make in my life to be a good steward in my community during the coronavirus outbreak, I’ve felt a bit off balance. The outbreak has made me think about the future and what it actually holds. What will be there and what might no longer be important then?

Reading scripture at Bible Study today with all this in mind, had a sobering effect. It made me reflect more on what is important to me now rather than what the future might hold. It reminded me that all we have is now. Whether the coronavirus spreads or quickly fades away, I can’t even guarantee that I will wake up tomorrow morning.

I think this is what Paul had in mind when he wrote that nothing in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God. I think it’s because God’s love is the one constant among all the “what if’s” that we could possibly face as a society.

This reminder helped me to find balance of heart, mind, and body; because God’s love is the one sure guarantee amidst all the “what if’s.” It has been poured out on us and our ancestors even throughout the hardest times, and it has already found it’s way into eternity.


Thank you for your love, it has always kept me. Even now the reminder of it comforts me. I pray that everyone would be reminded of it. Point it out to those who can’t see it, and use to it to be a comfort to those who need it. Bless us with your grace so that we may all come to love you even more as we experience your unconditional love. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Where have you seen God’s love today?

Andrew Archer