St. Mary CME Church

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Preparing for Deliverance


This chapter may be understood as a declaration of the Sovereignty of the LORD of Israel. Isaiah will proclaim God’s sovereignty over Israel, their enemies, as well as their friends. This chapter came to Isaiah or his subsequent disciples while Assyria besieged Jerusalem, and although they were hard pressed on every side, Isaiah did not panic because he also knew that God would one day restore Israel to an even greater place and an even deeper relationship with the LORD their God.

Read Isaiah 29:1-4

Ariel, another name for Jerusalem, the city where David made camp, is encouraged to enjoy their normal year to year festivals and their time of peace and quiet while they still had the chance. It reminds me of the state of things in 2017-2019, as we went on about our business not knowing that a pandemic was on the way. Distress, moaning, and lamenting were indeed on the horizon for Jerusalem because the Assyrian army had besieged them. Assyria had a vendetta against all of Israel, and their plan was to sack Judah as soon as they were done with Jerusalem. 

Just like David was the greatest threat any of Israel's enemies had ever seen, here his zeal and success is used as an example to explain what would happen to anyone who set themself as an enemy against the LORD. This rebellion is what brought this judgment upon Jerusalem in the first place, to purify them of their sin. Yet to be purified through the judgment is not the final experience God wants for humanity. For it is from low in the dust of despair that we often cry out to God that he would help us to endure and overcome.

The words, "Your voice shall come up out from the ground like the voice of a ghost." seems to point to a resurrection of life as well as the re-establishment as the covenant made with God.

Read Isaiah 29:5-8

Isaiah speaks to the restoration of God's people in his day, yet he also seems to have the end Days also in mind. The resurrection of voices coming up from the dust (v.4) is contrasted here with "the multitude of Israel's foes shall be small like dust (v.5), to show the favor with which the LORD handles his people Israel in comparison to His rejection those that reject Him.

Just as in Isaiah 28, God's judgment is described as a devastating tempest (storm) that has the potential to leave death and destruction in its path (v.6).

This chapter opened first with a warning to Ariel, but Isaiah shifts now to warn those who come against Ariel that they face the LORD’s anger. Isaiah says that those who attack Ariel will be like a vision or a dream, which is here for a brief moment today and is gone only moments later! And this was indeed the fate of the Assyrian army which was supernaturally defeated after the besieged Ariel (Jerusalem).

Here Ariel, or Jerusalem, or Mt. Zion represents the promised city of refuge for all of those that choose to serve God when Christ’s Kingdom is completely established.

How has God recently made you feel safe under His divine protection?

Read Isaiah 29:9-12

Isaiah proclaims that the LORD has poured out a spirit of deep sleep on the prophets and seers. And with those who give the people direction made blind, the whole nation will be stupefied and lost making God’s instruction like a sealed document, that is inaccessible for his people to learn from. Those who can read will be prevented from seeing words on a page, and those who cannot read will be prevented from understanding even what others read for them.

When I consider my own dependency on God’s word for daily business instruction as well as source for family and community values, it saddens me to know that a spirit of stupor can actually prevent someone from building their lives on a solid foundation.

How does God teach you the true value of  His instruction?

Read Isaiah 29:13-16

Isaiah explains that God did not want his people to merely appear to trust and rely on Him, He wanted to steal their hearts away completely. The beautiful thing about this is that God does not ascribe new rules for Israel to follow to prove their love for Him, nor are they commanded to rededicated or circumcise their young; instead the LORD Himself takes the initiative, saying that He will again do amazing things with this people, shocking and amazing (v.14). In the great love story between God and humanity we can never love God more than He loves us, so while we might try to impress God with religious deeds, God is working to amaze us with his grace not yet fully realized.

How can your life actually become more in-line with the way you want God to see it?

Read Isaiah 29:17-21

Isaiah 29:10 says, “For the LORD has poured out upon you a spirit of deep sleep; he has closed your eyes, you prophets, and covered your heads, you seers.” However here in verse 18 says that the deaf shall hear the words of the scroll and the blind will see beyond their darkness.

Isaiah helps us to understand that redemption is a transformational work, and as the soul is transformed from rebellion against God to eagerly seeking God, so society at large transformed from tyrannical rule to the exultation of those most in need. 

What or who has God already redeemed in the ongoing restoration of your life in Christ?

Read Isaiah 29:22-24

The prophet proclaims that it is God’s ultimate purpose to redeem his people and restore all things according to his original purpose. This is redemption according to the will of the redeeming God, and Isaiah points to the LORD’s reputation of redemption by the mention of the redemption of Abraham for the sake of his descendant, Jacob who would become ancestor to God’s chosen people Israel.

Isaiah calls Israel "children" and "the work of my hands", and in this the LORD is described as a Heavenly Father who creates, cares, protects, and provides in an even more excellent way than an earthly father does. The use of the word, "Children" also emphasises Israel's dependency on God as a child depends on their parents, and as those who would not exist without the LORD, since it is His hands that created them and brought them from Egypt to Canaan.

In prophetic fashion, Isaiah has proclaimed warnings, woes, and wins, for God’s people, and this is definitely another victory to hope in. Unlike previous chapters in Isaiah that describes the defilement of the LORD, his temple, and the convent they made with Him. Here in chapter 29, Isaiah proclaims that one day rather than defile God’s reputation, Israel will sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and will stand in awe of the God of Israel.

What do you think of when you consider a day when all people will gain the understanding they need to walk in their God given purpose?


Eternal God,

We praise you as the source of all knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. So we seek after your truth, for it makes us free indeed. Help us to be compassionate to those who do not honor you, for we were once in the number of those who did not seek to praise your name, and even now we are far from perfect. But we desire your Fatherly goodness, we desire to sit at your feet and learn from you. Give us today our daily bread, even your Holy Word. Forgive us when we fail to meet your standards, and give us Your Holy Spirit so that we can discern your will with more clarity in the day ahead, in Jesus Name, Amen!