2772 Mt. Pleasant Rd, Mt. Pleasant, FL


Back To School


“Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.”

— Deuteronomy‬ ‭4:9‬

Before schools were closed as a means of practicing social distancing, there had been a general outcry about the negative conditions of schools. Teachers were called unqualified and schools were considered subpar at best. Yet many teachers say that most children lack the basic moral foundation that they are supposed to get at home, which makes it difficult to foster a productive learning environment in their classrooms.

Deuteronomy 4:9 holds the words that summarize the purpose for God’s Law given to Moses for the people of Israel. The Israelites were a people that had no institutional education or religious systems after their deliverance from slavery, rather the laws and instructions were handed down from God to Moses—and from Moses to parents—and from parents to their children. These laws were both practical and moral laws, ie. how to treat others, as well as how to plant and harvest crops. 

In those, days parents had to be both the teachers and pastors of their children. And today children find themselves quarantined away from church and from school. If ever we thought that our social structures were not biblical or practical enough, God has granted us an opportunity to be all that we thought they should be.

Moses told the Israelites, “Watch yourselves closely, so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your hearts as long as you live.” This may have been because the things that we see often hold lessons we have learned, and if we forget those lessons how can we pass those on to our children; wouldn’t they eventually go on to make the same mistakes that we have?

But if we have inherited wisdom from our parents, why should our children only inherit ignorance from us? And why should we be so dependent on educational and religious institutions to equip our own children with the tools and moral characteristics that they need to become successful adults?

This time of quarantine is by no means a vacation for schools and churches, in fact they must now work even harder to think of creative ways to reach families that are stuck at home. But neither is this a time for parents to neglect their duties of teaching practical and moral lessons to their children.

Perhaps we can use this time to hold ourselves accountable for the people that our children will become. While they are now spending more time with us than they ever have. We can pore into them even more and plant seeds of wisdom and righteousness in them that will one day bare an abundance of fruit.

Heavenly Father,

I thank you for the wisdom you have given humanity to be able to create systems of learning for the benefit of each generation. But now that they are all closed, I ask you to give me the inspiration that comes from your Holy Spirit to be the teacher and pastor of my home. Help me to intentionally watch myself as intently as my children watch me, so that this time I have with them will not be in vain. Bless every home, that it might manifest itself into a church and a school that is fueled by love and family devotion. Help us all as we do our best to work alongside you as you turn this time of crises into something that works together for our good. In Jesus Name, Amen!

How have you become the teacher and priest of your home?

Andrew Archer