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Devoted to Prayer

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Devotion to Prayer Rev Andre C L Archer

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.”

‭‭— Colossians‬ ‭4:2‬

This simple line in the book of Colossians 4 is probably the most convicting scripture to me, so settle down as you read this. Although I don’t think that this scripture’s true intent was to poke holes in anyone’s faith, for me it shines light on my greedy lil self smh…

If you were not praying much before, I bet you’ve become a prayer worrier now! But don’t you find it troubling that we pray more during hard times, as if when things are good for us there is nothing to talk to God about?

The nature of that question sheds light on one of humanities greatest weakness; selfishness, and my wife Rose could wright a book on mine! But just because things are well with me doesn’t mean that no one else is not in trouble, especially when it comes to needing prayer.

When I was first appointed as a local preacher, I learned that the call to pray is mostly a call to pray for the needs of others. Sure, God tells us to make our own requests known to him, but when we are solely focused on self we forget to think of others when we pray. We even shy away from asking others the question, “Is there anything I can pray for on your behalf?”, as if letting someone know that you have them on your prayer list might offend them. It won’t.

The highlighted text (Colossians 4:2), also tells us to be watchful and thankful. I think this means that we should keep a discerning eye open for needs that we can lift up in prayer, whether that be our own needs and especially the needs of others. And on top of that, even if their are no problems that we can ask for God’s help with in the moment, there are still countless of reasons to tell God thank you!

Prayer doesn’t always need to be a cry for help, prayer can also be a shout of praise and thanksgiving; similar to the word “Hosanna” (meaning please help, or I praise your for your help). So the question, “What can I prayer for when all is well?” is simple; I can pray for the needs of others, or I can give God thanks for what he has already done.

But all is not well today, many have died and many more are ill. Many are grieving and afraid. Many have lost jobs or are falling behind in school. Many are sinking into depression because they cannot go out and do they things they enjoy most. Many homes we are quarantined to are not safe places. On top of that, many are dealing with personal issues that have nothing at all to do with the coronavirus. COVID-19 and all it’s deadliness is only a distraction to some people who are coping with difficulty personal circumstances.

And yet, God is still good! Many are alive, healed, healthy, or at least kicking. Many hearts are still overflowing with joy, laughter, or at least hope. And many are growing more confident in their faith with each passing day. Yes, there is extreme pain, but their is also an abundance of reasons to give thanks!

Where ever you find yourself today, a devotion to prayer is still the call. A relationship is dead without communication, so make talking to God a priory what ever the circumstance. Be watchful and be thankful, for God is never asleep. His line is always available to talk about what ever you need to.

Make a list of people and circumstances that you can take to God in prayer. If you are prone to selfishness like me, a list may help you put the needs of others before your own. Start today, open your Notes app and created a list, call it “Prayer List”, and let your watchful eye reveal the things and people to you that need your prayers. And don’t forget the good stuff too. It will cost you nothing but a little more time talking to the One who knows you best.

Heaven Father,

I thank you for your always listening. Help me to take note of the needs of others, especially when there is so much suffering going around. Bless me with eyes that can see the good in all of this, and help me not to allow negative thinking to blind me. You have proved through the years that you specialize in answering prayers, so help me as I devote myself to it. Show me the things and people that I can lift up to you. Show me ways that I can pray without feeling like I have to follow someone else’s prescription. You know my voice and you know my heart, hear my sincerity as I listen for yours. In Jesus Name, Amen!

How do you devote yourself to prayer?