2772 Mt. Pleasant Rd, Mt. Pleasant, FL


God Knows


“Record my misery; list my tears on your scroll — are they not in your record? Then my enemies will turn back when I call for help. By this I will know that God is for me. In God, whose word I praise, in the Lord, whose word I praise— in God I trust and am not afraid. What can man do to me?” ‭

—Psalms‬ ‭56:8-11‬ ‭NIV‬‬

When we consider our pain, we often feel it most when we believe the lie that no one cares. Today we must know with the utmost assurance that whatever worry, fear or anguish we feel is completely known by God.

The writer of Psalm 56 explains that their tears are recorded by God. Even when others can only sympathize God can fully and completely empathize with us. So we need not feel isolated or alone because God is all knowing and always present.

God speaks to us in God’s word, and we are comforted completely when we fall in love with the sound of God’s voice. As we endure difficulties, we know that God knows all about them, and God’s knowledge is not a passive awareness. Rather God’s knowledge is an eternal consciousness of what has happened, what is happening, and what will happen; and this is a knowledge that God acts on. God intervenes, God heals, God delivers and God restores.

The question “What can man do to me?” Is then already answered. Man can do a lot, but they can do nothing apart from what God allows. And just as God intervened by sending Christ to restore us when we needed salvation most, we shall see God’s deliverance again today. This will be another sign that God is still and will always be our Salvation.

Oh LORD, our God,

Nothing happens without your knowledge, nothing takes you by surprise. Help me to be comforted by your omniscience to realize that you know every piece and part of my pain. Give me faith to believe in the core of my being that you take action on what you know, and that you will not permit my struggles to overwhelm me. My hardships are written in your scrolls, you are fully aware of my worries, so I will not be afraid. No matter the circumstances I will hold you to your promises, and I will wait patiently for your deliverance. In Jesus Name, Amen!

What struggle is God working to deliver you from?

Andrew Archer