St. Mary CME Church

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Preparing for Deliverance

Isaiah 21 - A Prophecy that Shook the Prophet


In this chapter Isaiah proclaims 3 prophecies concerning God's judgement of Babylon and their allies. Biblical scholars disagree on whether this chapter refers to the Assyrian invasion of Babylon in 698 BCE or to the conquest of the Persian Empire over Babylon in 539 BCE.

Read Isaiah 21:1-10

Right away, Isaiah mentions that this oracle is concerning, "The wilderness of the Sea"(v.1). By this he is referring to the marshlands south of Babylon, where the Tigris and the Euphrates join and flow into the Persia Gulf.

Isaiah's troubling vision of the destruction of Babylon was so horrific that it caused him to be filled with anguish and terror since he received it from the LORD. (v.2-4)

Then Isaiah says that the LORD commanded him to appoint watchmen to look out in the distance for approaching messengers. And when the messengers finally arrive, they confirm Isaiah's horrific vision by stating that, "Babylon has fallen, and all of their idols have fallen to the ground(v.9). The mention of the idols of Babylon falling to the ground, directly addresses the cause of Babylon's judgement; their worship of idols and false gods. This also emphasizes the powerlessness of man made gods; they have not saved Babylon, and because they too (idols) have fallen, we can testify that neither could they save themselves.

Isaiah offers hope to the Israelites, letting them know that while they have been operating business as usual, the LORD has sent a message of good news to them (v.10). How refreshing is the news of rest to the hard worker?

Read Isaiah 21:11-12

Isaiah shifts his message to state that Edom has called to the sentries, “Sentry, how soon will the night be over? Tell me how soon it will end”(v.11). Remember Isaiah mentions the watchmen whom he has appointed who brought word of Babylon's destruction. And now Edom is asking God's watchman, Isaiah, when will the night end.

The night here represents the darkness and horror of God's judgement, the vision that terrified Isaiah. Perhaps Edom was also being destroyed, or maybe they were asking about the state of their Babylonian allies. Either way, God's watchman says, "the morning is coming"(v.12), which means that judgement is soon over. But the watchman also says that ''night will come again"(v.12), which meant that more destruction is still ahead. Therefore God's good news for Israel, "Babylon has fallen"(v. 9), is God's bad news for all of their enemies.

Read Isaiah 21:13-17

And yet God's mercy is still extended to those who do no acknowledge him. Isaiah again shifts his dialogue as he proclaims a message to the Arabians, and specifically the people of Tema living in the desert lands. They are commanded to be a refuge and refreshment for the people whom God is sending his wrathful judgement. Although God found Babylon and their allies to be an offense to him and deserving of his judgement, he provides the provision to heal the wounds that he inflicted upon them.

Finally Isaiah concludes this chapter by confirming that his warning is authentically from the LORD God himself. He affirms that, "I the LORD God of Israel has spoken" (V.17). And the authority of Isaiah's prophecy is revealed in the proof that he knows the exact time when the vision would be completely fulfilled; "In exactly one year" (v.16).


Isaiah was commanded to appoint watchman so that we would know that he was appointed to be God's watchman. How have Isaiah's prophecies helped you to prepare for the future yet unseen?

The vision given to Isaiah was so horrific it scared him. How do you find confidence in God when your circumstances seem terrifying?

God provided refuge for the very people he judged, what does this tell you about the nature of God? How has the LORD restored you after a trial that you've endured?

The LORD confirmed his word given to Isaiah by giving the exact time it would be fulfilled. How does God confirm his word in your life?

I invite you to pray with me:


We thank you for your eternal word for it is the eternal guide and hope of your people. We give you thanks for refreshing our hearts once again in your truth. In these terrifying times give us steadfastness as we rely on you alone to sustain and preserve us. We are battered and bruised and we need your comfort. So strengthen us, LORD. We can call on no other when we are in distress, for we know that all things are in your Sovereign hands. Confirm your promises of love today, and restore our confidence in you, in Jesus Name. Amen.